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Rock Dwelling, Lhotka near Mělník

Rock Dwelling, No. 1 in Lhotka near Mělník

The rock dwelling in Lhotka is one of the many in Kokořín area. There are dwellings and farm buldings (e.g. sheds, cellars etc.) staued to sandstone rocks. The Lhotka dwelling belongs to one of the most interesting, because it was recently inhabited. There is a whole farmhouse in a sandstone on the edge of the village. A parlour has got two windows. One door leads to a hall and other one to a shed. Behind the shed there is an entrance into a cellar or a granary on the first floor. There is also a detached cutting shop and a small farm building. This dwelling is an example of an interesting constructive methods and an common way of low cost dwellings.

You can visit the Lhotka dwelling from May till September
Thursday - Sunday and public holidays 10:00 – 12:00 a.m. and 01:00 – 05:00 p. m.  

Groups visitors and visitors except opening days book your visit on e-mail: or on phone number: 315 630 936. 

You can also visit Museum in Mělník and a wine tasting from Czech region at the same place.


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