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Museum café

The museum caféCafé offers small refreshment to the museum's visitors. It is possible to sit inside of the pleasant atmosphere of the café or outside at the terrace, with a beautiful view. The café offers hot drinks (14 kinds of coffee including Frappé, hot chocolate, tea, grog, punch or museum mull), cold drinks - alcoholic beverages (wine, beer 10°, 12°) and soft drinks (near beer, coca cola, mineral water, juice, ginger tonic…). It is possible to buy sandwiches, desserts and other sweets according to the actual offer here too.
The café offers also even 50 kinds of czech wines, which can be tasted. You can also buy a whole bottle. Archive wines are sold only in bottles. Prices are pleasant - same as in the cellar.

Opening hours:
Tuesday - Friday 9.00 a.m. - 5. p.m.
Saturday - Sunday 9.00 a.m. - 12.00 and 12:30 p.m. - 5 p.m.


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